Saturday, November 30, 2019

Programming Arduino Pdf

ISBN: 1259641635
Title: Programming Arduino Pdf Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition (Tab)
Author: Simon Monk
Published Date: 2016-06-09
Page: 192

Simon Monk has a degree in cybernetics and computer science and a Ph.D. in software engineering. He is the author of numerous books, including Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started Python, 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius, Hacking Electronics, and Fritzing for Inventors. Simon also runs the website, which features his own products.

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Program Arduino with ease!

This thoroughly updated guide shows, step-by-step, how to quickly program all Arduino models. Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition, features easy-to-follow explanations, fun examples, and downloadable sample programs. Discover how to write basic sketches, use Arduino’s modified C language, store data, and interface with the Web. You will also get hands-on coverage of C++, library writing, and programming Arduino for the Internet of Things. No prior programming experience is required! 

• Understand Arduino hardware fundamentals
• Set up the software, power up your Arduino, and start uploading sketches
• Learn C language basics
• Add functions, arrays, and strings to your sketches
• Program Arduino’s digital and analog inputs and outputs
• Use functions from the standard Arduino library
• Write sketches that can store data
• Interface with displays, including OLEDs and LCDs
• Connect to the Internet and configure Arduino as a Web server
• Develop interesting programs for the Internet of Things
• Write your own Arduino libraries and use object-oriented programming methods

The book to start with! Excellent book for the rank novice. As I advance I find myself re-reading earlier chapters and the concepts become clearer. Monk states that you shouldn't get hung up on the code at first just keep reading and trying the example sketches and eventually you catch on and he's right about that. I got his book before buying an Arduino and I'm glad I did because he explains the differences in the choices available and so I made an informed choice when I purchased a Mega (I have ambitions plans Whahahahahaha!)A Good Reference with Lots of Examples Recently, having a need to develop a couple projects using an Arduino I bought this book to familiarize myself with programming them. I haven't programmed in C for 20 years but with the help of this book was able to bang out a couple of sketches pretty quickly. It will make a nice reference as I refine these projects.Keep in mind, if you are new to Arduino programming, that most sketches (what the Arduino folks call Arduino programs) make use of libraries that you can download. You will need to find the documentation for the libraries at the download source as it is obviously beyond the scope of a book like this to document them.The book contains a bunch of sketches that show the basics of programming, of using the I/O pins and communication with the outside world. This book should give you a solid foundation for creating your own sketches.Good info if you use a Uno..less so if you use the Mega 2560. This book was recommended by Amazon as going with the Elegoo parts kits and tutorial to buy all together. The Elegoo includes a Mega 2560 processor board.Sadly this book is old enough that it doesn't know what the Mega 2560 Arduino is and barely mentions a few other types. Some of those types have come and gone and are no longer common. The entire focus of this book was on the Arduino Uno.While the programming is similar, the UNO board has less ports and memory and communications ports than the 2560. I wanted a book on the Mega 2560 since that's in the kit. This book should not have been recommended by Amazon to go with that Elegoo kit as it only slightly pertains to using that board. This book would be good if recommended to go with the Elegoo UNO kit but not the 2560. Even so, it's 90% software and very little about hardware. It's more about programming with C than it is about the Arduino (which by Arduino the author only means Arduino Uno).Having now read the entire book through, I did get some programming knowledge, just not geared toward all the extra features on the 2560 and very little hardware info. One page mentions the Mega like it's a new board. And that's actually just the old Mega, not the current one he mentions.Oh and I almost forgot to mention that the website isn't working any more. So no downloading the sketches (programs) from the web site. I'll look at publish dates next time. This 2012 info is outdated and only a few things updated to 2016 which is still too far out of date for Arduino stuff.I had hoped to get some insight on using these boards to program Marlin sketches for 3D printers but frankly came away with very little for that.

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Tags: 1259641635 pdf,Programming Arduino pdf,Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition (Tab) pdf,Simon Monk,Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition (Tab),McGraw-Hill Education TAB,1259641635,Electronics - Digital,Electronics - General,Programming - General,Arduino (Programmable controller),Arduino (Programmable controller).,Arduino (Programmable controller);Programming.,Programmable controllers,COMPUTER PROGRAMMING,COMPUTERS / Hardware / Peripherals,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / C,COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / General,Computer Applications,DIGITAL ELECTRONICS,ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (GENERAL),Electronics & communications engineering,Electronics - Microelectronics,General Adult,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Monograph Series, any,Non-Fiction,Programmable controllers,Programming - General,SCI/TECH,SCIENCE / Experiments & Projects,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Circuits / General,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Digital,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / General,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Inventions,Technology & Engineering,Technology & Industrial Arts,United States,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Technology / General,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Technology / Inventions,COMPUTERS / Hardware / Peripherals,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / C,COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / General,Electronics - Microelectronics,SCIENCE / Experiments & Projects,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Circuits / General,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Digital,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / General,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Inventions,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Technology / General,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Technology / Inventions,Technology & Industrial Arts,Computer Programming,Digital Electronics,Technology & Engineering,Science/Mathematics,Electronics & communications engineering

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