Title: Separated by the Border Pdf A Birth Mother, a Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child's 3,000-Mile Journey
Gena Thomas tells the story of how Julia came to the United States, what she experienced in the system, and what it took to reunite her with her family. A Spanish-speaking former missionary, Gena became Julia's foster mother and witnessed firsthand the ways migrant children experience trauma. Weaving together the stories of birth mother and foster mother, this book shows the human face of the immigrant and refugee, the challenges of the immigration and foster care systems, and the tenacious power of motherly love.
A true journey into faith! Well written, great read! Touching, tragic, and thought provoking, this book will take you on a journey in your faith to the difficult places we often ignore. Thomas isn't afraid to go to the places where light meets the dark and helps us cling to the hope that we can be the light that overcomes if we're willing to do the same.A Masterpiece Gena Thomas is a master in the art of storytelling and Separated by the Border is the canvas on which she creates a masterpiece. But reader be warned--this work of art is as haunting as it is beautiful. It unsettles and disrupts as all truly great art does.Encountering the story of Gena, Julia, and Lupe places the reader at the pointed center of the terror and the hope that in tandem compel many Latin Americans to seek safety from violence, poverty, and oppression in the United States. We often hear the statistics and see the news coverage, but rarely are we offered an intimate account of what it really means to be a child taken from her mother or a mother grieving the loss of her little girl --or a foster mother who is incipiently cast as a central figure in a dormant hope of their reunification.Raw, real, and devoid of any egoic renditions, Separated by the Border is a narrative canvas that invites the reader to gaze deeply into the realities faced by asylum seekers. This book gives literary proximity to the deep scars, the shearing trauma, and the penetrating courage of two lion-hearted mothers whose stories converge in the crucible of US immigration policy, the trauma of violated bodies, and how the divine is at work in the midst of the most painful places and the most shattered of hearts.Powerful mix of memoir, narrative, and research I've been incredibly saddened by the humanitarian crisis at the US Southern border for quite a while, but this book opened my eyes to how little I truly knew about the lives of our neighbors who sacrifice to cross the border.This book is an interesting mix of memoir, narrative, and research-informed discussion on the complex realities (and history) involved in our ongoing border crisis. The mix of forms works well together and provides multiple layers of access into the stories of Julia, Lupe, Gena and her family.For Christian readers in particular, this book is incredibly important. As people who were once strangers of God and were welcomed as sons and daughters, we are called (and required) to be a welcoming people who passionately pursue justice, peace, and flourishing for all of our neighbors. I think this book can serve to cultivate that passion and is an invitation to get to know a few neighbors we may have forgotten.
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Tags: B07YVN6YD7 pdf,Separated by the Border pdf,A Birth Mother, a Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child's 3,000-Mile Journey pdf,ebook,Gena Thomas, Michelle Ferrigno Warren,Separated by the Border: A Birth Mother, a Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child's 3,000-Mile Journey,IVP Books,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,Foster mothers;United States;Biography.,General Adult,Hondurans;United States;Biography.,Immigrants;Family relationships;United States.,Inspirational/Devotional - Christian,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Human Rights,Political Science/Human Rights,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs,RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues,RELIGIOUS,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Memoirs,Religion/Christian Living - Social Issues,Religion/Ethics,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Emigration & Immigration,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Refugees,Social Science/Emigration & Immigration,Unaccompanied minor; zero-tolerance policy; foster care; immigration; migrant; Honduras; separating parents and children; US-Mexico border; border patrol; border security; refugee; ICE; ORR; DHHS; fostering; #FamiliesBelongTogether; illegal immigrant; orphan care; reunification; detention center; border wall; memoir; immigrant; immigration reform; families belong together; immigrant children; migrant children; immigration and customs enforcement; deportation; smuggler; human trafficking,Unaccompanied minor;zero-tolerance policy;foster care;immigration;migrant;Honduras;separating parents and children;US-Mexico border;border patrol;border security;refugee;ICE;ORR;DHHS;fostering;#FamiliesBelongTogether;illegal immigrant;orphan care;reunification;detention center;border wall;memoir;immigrant;immigration reform;families belong together;immigrant children;migrant children;immigration and customs enforcement;deportation;smuggler;human trafficking,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Human Rights,Political Science/Human Rights,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs,RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Memoirs,Religion/Christian Living - Social Issues,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Emigration & Immigration,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Refugees,Social Science/Emigration & Immigration
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