Title: Mindset Pdf The New Psychology of Success
Dweck demonstrates that mindset unfolds in childhood and adulthood and drives every aspect of our lives, from work to sports, from relationships to parenting. She reveals how creative geniuses in all fields - music, literature, science, sports, business - apply the growth mindset to achieve results. Perhaps even more important, she shows us how we can change our mindset at any stage of life to achieve true success and fulfillment. She looks across a broad range of applications and helps parents, teachers, coaches, and executives see how they can promote the growth mindset. Highly engaging and very practical, Mindset breaks new ground as it leads you to change how you feel about yourself and your future.
Interesting theory, yet lacking depth I first came across the author in a TED video. Her talk about how "not yet" generates far more power than "fail" was interesting and I decided to buy her book to further read into her studies. The book in general is an interesting piece of work. I like the way she describes the "growth mindset". However, most of the book seems to focus on discussing the difference between "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" applied to different fields. So it does get very predictable and tedious. There is far not enough discussion about how to better develop the "growth mindset". It is like the author uses the entire book to emphasize how important "growth mindset" is but doesn't really offer much help. In particular, I don't like how she attributes every corporate failure to "fixed mindset". I think it is way too generalizing and over-simplifying.Rather terrible This was the book that completely turned me off from the psychology/self-help genre. It lacked depth and felt like an endless repetition of comparing situations in which one person had the "proper" mindset and another had the "wrong" mindset, followed by a few condescending, didactic paragraphs on why the proper mindset was necessary in leading the former to success; it's apparently the key to everything. Very little was mentioned on *how* to actually achieve this mindset.On the bright side, I've now become more tolerant towards other not-so-great books. It'd be pretty hard to get any worse than this one.
Tags: B001U5P7CK pdf,Mindset pdf,The New Psychology of Success pdf,,Carol Dweck, Marguerite Gavin, LLC Gildan Media,Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,Gildan Media, LLC,B001U5P7CK
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