Title: One Line A Day Pdf A Five-Year Memory Book (5 Year Journal, Daily Journal, Yearly Journal, Memory Journal)
Published Date: 2009-08
Page: 370
This classic memory-keeper is the perfect way to track the ups and downs of life, day by day.
More than a daily diary or journal: For those daunted by the idea of keeping a journal or diary, the simple commitment of just One Line a Day is manageable for everyone. Each page of the journal includes an entry for five successive years, allowing users to revisit previous thoughts on a specific day of the year over the span of five years, and reflect on change and progress.
- Use the One Line a Day 5-year journal format to provide an insightful snapshot of your thoughts, memories, change, and progress on each of the 365 days of the year
- See patterns emerge as important events like anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays come and go
- As the pages fill, you'll discover happy coincidences and have a chance to relive forgotten moments
- A great way to begin the day or to put down a final thought before falling asleep at night
- Durable and elegantly designed with a ribbon for easily opening to the right page
- Makes a great graduation or milestone birthday gift, or for someone starting on a new journey in life
- Keepsake diary will enhance the appreciation of life and be a treasure for years to come
One of my favorite possessions - EVER! This is a FANTASTIC journal centered on a FANTASTIC concept! I'm a hardcore journaler, keeping a detailed daily diary for many years now. And this journal fits right in. If I don't get to my primary journal for a day or two, this book reminds me of what I did on what day, etc. It's just a great little log. It's also great fun! I just finished my first volume of this book, and it was SO FUN to see what happened on each day from the previous years. Of course, it takes a few years for that aspect of fun to come into play, but if you're diligent and thorough, that payoff will eventually come to fruition.The journal has held up beautifully to the wear and tear of handling it for five years, overall. The thin, clear film that coated the book has long been peeled away; once it started to break and peel on its own, I just peeled it all off, for the most part. The cover's material below that film is strong. The gold lettering on the cover is long gone, but its imprint remains. I've taped some of the weaker areas of the creases of the cover. The ribbon is in top shape. The gold on the pages has worn significantly. So, cosmetically, it's dirty and worn and fading. But structurally, it's sound. And I looooove the worn look anyway; it means it's seen some days.I've started volume two now, and am so excited to keep going with these books, hopefully all my life. At this point, I have three more blank ones in storage; I hope they make these for many more years to come so I can keep going with them, and keep gifting them.The photos I've attached to this review show my five-year-old book and my two-week-old book. Let me know if you have any other questions; I am an unpaid, unsolicited BIG fan of these journals.Completely shredded before it was even used! I love the concept of this book and the beautiful blue color. I chose this book out of all the others and put it on my wishlist for Christmas which was purchased by my husband. The first book arrived and had marks all over the front cover and the corners were broken so that you could see the white paper underneath. No big deal, I could just send it back in time for January 1 when the book starts. I just received the replacement today and it's in worst condition than the first. The binding on the front and back on the inside is completely shredded, and there was black gummy stuff all over the back. For a book meant to last 5 years, this thing was terrible looking before I even wrote a single word in it. I'll have to return this and plan to buy another from a different company.Check all of the dates before using Be sure to look through all of the pages in your book when you receive it to make sure the dates are correct. In my copy the book goes from October 10 directly to November 12. Back where November should be the October pages popped back up. Had I caught this error when I received the book I would have returned it, but I've resorted to re-dating each of the error pages.
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Tags: 0811870197 pdf,One Line A Day pdf,A Five-Year Memory Book (5 Year Journal, Daily Journal, Yearly Journal, Memory Journal) pdf,Chronicle Books Staff,One Line A Day: A Five-Year Memory Book (5 Year Journal, Daily Journal, Yearly Journal, Memory Journal),Chronicle Books,0811870197,Blank Books,Blank Books / Diaries / Memory Books,Blank Books/Journals,CRAFTS & HOBBIES / General,NON-BOOK,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,Non-Fiction,SELF-HELP / Creativity,SELF-HELP / Journaling,Stationery items,diary; journal; reflection; one; line; 1; day; blank; 5; year; unique; memory; remember; 365; daily; thoughtful; nostalgia; thought; jot; sentence; pen; pencil; craft; art; creative; imagination; writing; reading; dream; deep; secret; private,one; line; 1; day; blank; journal; 5; year; diary; unique; memory; remember; 365; day; daily; thoughtful; reflection; nostalgia; thought; jot; sentence; pen; pencil; craft; art; creative; imagination; writing; reading; dream; deep; secret; private,CRAFTS & HOBBIES / General,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,SELF-HELP / Creativity,SELF-HELP / Journaling,Blank Books / Diaries / Memory Books,Blank Books/Journals,Stationery items